Shotgun Floorplans

posted in: Layout | 0

Yesterday we walked through the Shotgun House Tour. It was awesome to see how creative people can be with floorplans of a narrow rectangular house with no original hallways. Most of the show homes were four-bay (former doubles converted to … Continued

Painting the Clawfoot

posted in: Bathroom, Painting Projects | 0

I’ve been loving black and white vintage bathrooms and have been wistfully thinking that we could have incorporated black into the fixtures more. Alas, I still love our white vintage modern bathroom, but when it came to the clawfoot tub, … Continued

Recovering Grandma’s Chair

posted in: Furniture Rehab | 0

As we’re big believers in buying old and/or keeping what we’ve got, we were faced with the dilemma of “what to do with Grandma’s chair?” In it’s regal, Queen Anne wingback style, it’s got a nice figure, but the fabric … Continued