Once our kitchen; now our bedroom. What?! Reviewing the layout plan could be helpful, but here’s the gist: we took the back two rooms off the rental side and made them into bedrooms, achieving one of our top three renovation goals: private bedrooms with no shotgun-style pass through.
In the first renovation stage, we gave this kitchen a quick fix for $350 and used it for eight months. In chapters two and three, we totally changed the house layout, moved both kitchens toward the front of the house, and flipped the back rooms into private bedrooms.
The wall color is Benjamin Moore Metro Gray.
We also re-used the IKEA Pax wardrobes (from chapter 1) by gutting the doorway opening to be larger and then turned them around to face into this bedroom. We constructed a wall two feet into the rental unit which is located behind the Pax wardrobes. This also serves as a built-in closet for the rental bedroom. Our Pax wardrobes take up about 2/3 of the wall, and the remaining nook is the rental closet.